Visual identity

Web design and coding

Press and online materials

We developed the existing logo into a complete graphic language

The client came to us with an existing logo from which he needed to create a complete visual identity. The logo depicts a building/hall, and the color scheme refers to the company’s focus on sustainability.

We started from these basics for the identity and designed a distinctively colored green-yellow visual that uses stripes as the fundamental graphic element. These stripes can be extended as required and integrated directly into the logo. As a complement, we use sloping surfaces and foregrounds that add dynamism to the designs.

Marketing materials in a uniform style

We newly created identity and developed it into actual outputs. All the materials produced rely on a simple, clean design that combines color and white surfaces with thin-type cuts to promote the perception of EGLS as a modern, eco-friendly company that is quite distinct from other companies in the industry.

Modern and flexible website built on WordPress

When creating the website, it was essential for us that the client could freely manage the site himself in the future and, for example, insert articles and press releases. At the same time, we wanted to have complete control over the website’s design and not rely on pre-made templates. Therefore, the choice fell on WordPress, which meets both these requirements perfectly and is extremely flexible regarding possible future expansion of the site.

We included training of EGLS staff so they could use the website easily and spend as little time as possible on its administration.

Corporate portraits for professional presentation

As part of the initial “package,” we also shot corporate portraits for the HQ part of EGLS. We didn’t want anything overengineered, and we avoided excessive retouching to maintain the emphasis on naturalness, which is one of EGLS’s main attributes.

Online graphic manual. And all the documents in one place

Since the team is pan-European, many people inside and outside the company, like journalists, will need access to the graphic materials. We chose BrandCloud’s online solution instead of the classic manual. This allows us to have all the documents in one place and easily share them within the company and externally. At the same time, we can update the manual continuously and add new materials as the company grows.